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"Daily Doctrine" by Kevin DeYoung
Our December Book of the Month is “Daily Doctrine” by Kevin DeYong. This month's book will also serve as the book for a new, year-long Sunday School class. So, if you want to read it with others and talk about it on Sunday mornings, join us!
All thoughtful Christians want to better understand the Bible, its author, and its influence on their beliefs. In short―whether they recognize it or not―they want to understand theology. But many find the subject matter too academic, dense, or difficult to understand, and they lack proper study resources to help expand their knowledge of God and his written word.
Designed to make systematic theology clear and accessible for the everyday Christian, this devotional walks through the most important theological topics over the course of a year. Each month is categorized into broad themes, starting with the study of God and concluding with the end times. Written by bestselling author and associate professor of systematic theology Kevin DeYoung, each concise daily reading contains verses for meditation and application, building upon each other and easing readers into the study of systematic theology.
This Week's Classes
Daily Doctrine: This class will run for the entire year as we read through Kevin Deyoung's book called Daily Doctrine. Each week will have five short (1-2 pages) chapters to read. In the Sunday School class, we will simply talk about what we read throughout the week and seek to apply it to our lives. So, if you have questions, come ready to ask them. If you thought something was unclear, bring it up and we can help clarify. Or, if you were really challenged or convicted by something you read, we'd love to hear that, too! (Classroom 3)
Fruit of the Spirit: In this class, the elders will teach through the fruit of the Spirit from Galatians 5:22-23. What are they? How do we do them? Why do they matter in the church? Each week, one of your elders will answer these questions and more as we consider how to "live by the Spirit" (Gal 5:25)! (MPR)
A Study through 2 Peter: Young adults are encouraged to join us as we study the book of 2 Timothy! We will read through the letter and discuss it together. All are welcome to join us as we seek to learn more about what the Bible says of guarding and living out the Gospel! (Classroom 2)
Events at Big Woods
- Multiple DatesTue, Feb 04Grief Share
- Multiple DatesThu, Feb 06Garage Guys Night
- Multiple DatesSat, Feb 08Women's Prayer Gathering
- Multiple DatesWed, Feb 12Wednesday Evening Service
- Multiple DatesThu, Feb 13Adventures in Motherhood
- Multiple DatesSun, Feb 16Financial Peace University
- Multiple DatesFri, Feb 21Senior Adult Minsitry
- Multiple DatesThu, Feb 27Bibles and Breakfast