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Image by Pedro Lima

About Us

Our Vision is to build relationships so that God is glorified, and lives are transformed through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Transformed Lives Transforming a Community

Thank you for checking out our website. We hope you sense the excitement of what God is doing at Big Woods! Almost 40 years ago a handful of students from Lock Haven University met together to worship God, study the Bible, and build relationships with one another. That small group has grown to become a thriving church filled with many people impacting our community.

Big Woods is a warm, vibrant, and caring group of believers who are passionate about the Lord Jesus Christ. We invite you to join us as we worship, celebrate and fellowship together.

Our service is Sunday mornings at 9:00am and Sunday School for all ages begins at 10:45am If you have questions or would like more info, we encourage your inquiry by e-mail to


Caring for one another by rejoicing with those who rejoice and weeping with those who weep.

- Romans 12:15


Building into one another’s lives by teaching them to obey everything the Lord has commanded.

- Matthew 28:20


Spending time together with a purpose to encourage one another and build one another up.

- Thessalonians 5:11


Joining together in spirit and truth to respond to God’s goodness and grace by singing, praying, giving, and hearing the Word preached.

- John 4:24


Using the many blessings entrusted into our care for the glory of God. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.

- Peter 4:10

Our Beliefs

1. That the Bible is the Word of God and is our final authority for faith, life and practice.

2. That one God, the Creator of all things. He is infinitely perfect, constantly loving, and eternally exists in three Persons – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

3. That Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.- He was truly God and truly man.- He was born of a virgin.- He lived a perfect life.- He died on the cross in payment for our sin.- He arose from the dead.- He is coming again.

4. That salvation is a gift of God’s grace. It cannot be earned or deserved. God forgives our sin and gives us eternal life when we trust Jesus as our Savior. We believe that the person who truly comes to faith in Christ is eternally saved and safe.

5. That the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to glorify Jesus Christ. In the church, He gives enabling gifts to carry out the work of Christ on earth.
For a more detailed description of our doctrine, please see link the to the Southern Baptist Statement of Faith
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